15 December 2020EconoTimes

Industry insider complaint threatens to upset Big Tobacco’s applecart

At first glance, a complaint recently filed in New York might seem nothing more than a dry legal dispute. However, closer inspection reveals that the document is filled with embarrassing allegations against tobacco giant Philip Morris International (PMI) stemming from one of its longtime collaborators, Israeli businessman Raoul Setrouk.

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OCCRP - Aisha Kehoe Down
17 November 2020OCCRP - Aisha Kehoe Down

Complaint: Philip Morris Smuggled Smokes, Distorted Data

A former business partner says that Swiss tobacco giant Philip Morris International facilitated the theft of his intellectual property, a critical methodology used to measure worldwide flows of contraband cigarettes.

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Tobacco Reporter
19 November 2020Tobacco Reporter

‘PMI Distorting Data to Hide Smuggling’

Philip Morris International (PMI) has manipulated widely-used data on flows of contraband cigarettes to conceal its involvement in cigarette smuggling, reports the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, citing a complaint by MSIntelligence (MSI), a former business partner specializing in brand protection.

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French Parliament
17 December 2020French Parliament

Question N° : 34185

The Congressman Mr. François-Michel Lambert asks the French Government to let know the Parliament about the follow-up it intends to give concerning the complaint recorded by MS Intelligence against Philip Morris International and to explain what it plans to implement to put an end to the methods of these multinationals.

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Игорь Михайлович Мацкевич

Судебный иск обвиняет Phillip Morris в контрабанде сигарет и манипулировании данными

Бывший партнер швейцарского табачного гиганта Philip Morris International (PMI) утверждает, что компания организовала кражу его интеллектуальной собственности — сравнительной методологии, которую используют, чтобы измерять глобальные потоки контрабандных сигарет.

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